

Globalisation, Democracy and Terrorism

Eric Hobsbawm



  1. ‘War and Peace in the Twentieth Century’ from War and Peace in the 20th Century and Beyond. Proceedings of the Nobel Centennial Symposium, ed. Geir Lundestad and Olav Njølstad (Singapore, World Scientific, 2002), pp. 25-40.
  2. ‘War, Peace and Hegemony at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century’ was a publication of the Nikhil Chakravarty memorial lecture in Delhi.
  3. ‘Why American Hegemony Differs from Britain’s Empires’
  4. ‘On the End of Empires’
  5. ‘Nations and Nationalism in the New Century’ ‘A considerable elaboration of a preface written for a new edition of the German edition of Nations and Nationalism (Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, 2004)’ (preface to Globalisation, Democracy and Terrorism, p. 12). Also published in Storia Sociale e Politica. Omaggio a Rosario Villari, ed. Alberto Merola, Giovanni Muto, Elene Valeri and Maria Antonietta Visceglia (Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2007), pp. 687-93. Also published in Storia Sociale e Politica. Omaggio a Rosario Villari, ed. Alberto Merola, Giovanni Muto, Elene Valeri and Maria Antonietta Visceglia (Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2007), pp. 687-93
  6. ‘The Prospects of Democracy’
  7. ‘Spreading Democracy’ from 'Spreading Democracy', Foreign Policy, 144 (2004).
  8. ‘Terror’
  9. ‘Public Order in the Age of Violence’
  10. ‘The Empire Expands Wider Still and Wider’ from 'United States: wider and still wider', Le Monde Diplomatique, June 2003.
Little, Brown issued a further edition of this volume in 2008.
Other English editions include:

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