About the Bibliography

This website forms part of a research project entitled ‘An Intellectual Biography of Eric Hobsbawm’, funded by the United Kingdom Arts and Humanities Research Council under grant number AH/P008720/1. The grant was awarded to Emile Chabal (University of Edinburgh) and ran from December 2017 to June 2020.

The website was built by a team composed of Emile Chabal (principal investigator), Richard Hadden (research technologist), and Anne Perez (postdoctoral researcher). It was updated in 2024 by Ed MacKenzie.

The team was assisted by Keith McClelland who compiled the first complete bibliography of Eric Hobsbawm’s writing in 1982, which was published in Raphael Samuel & Gareth Stedman Jones (eds.), Culture, Ideology and Politics: Essays for Eric Hobsbawm (Routledge, 1982). Keith revised the bibliography several times before and after Hobsbawm’s death in 2012. The team are extremely grateful for his cooperation and generosity; without his efforts, this online bibliography would not have been possible.

The organisation and cataloguing of Eric Hobsbawm’s archive were completed by archivists at the Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick. The website team wishes to thank, in particular, Elizabeth Wood for her help in providing a copy of the archival catalogue database in an accessible format.

The team would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Karen Howie in helping to prepare the original grant application and the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Digital Innovation Team for providing logistical and technical support throughout the project.

Note that the bibliography database and archive catalogue are correct as of May 2020. The team will endeavour to process corrections, additions and amendments as soon as they are notified of them.

For any correspondence relating to the bibliography, including technical queries, please e-mail Emile Chabal (emile.chabal@ed.ac.uk). For any correspondence related to Hobsbawm’s archives, please contact the Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick.

Guide for Users

The Eric Hobsbawm Bibliography contains over 3,000 entries, including details of every published book, journal article, book chapter, review, newspaper article and pamphlet he ever wrote.

It also includes a complete listing of his unpublished work and his private papers, which are held at the Modern Records Centre at the University of Warwick.

For copyright reasons, it is not possible to access any material directly in the bibliography. However, many entries include direct links to external platforms such as JSTOR or Worldcat. These can be used to read an original text in full or identify a nearby library in which a text is available.

There are two ways to use the bibliography: you can search the entire database by using the search box below or you can browse the 20 specially curated thematic lists that are designed to introduce specific aspects of Hobsbawm’s work.

Data encoding

Data in the Hobsbawm Bibliography is encoded in XML using the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) guidelines. Data may be made available for researchers on request.

Individual bibliographic items consist of a <tei:biblStruct> element containing structured a bibliographic entry. Each entry has a unique @xml:id.

Pointer elements (<tei:ptr>) are used to encode relations between bibliographic items (as in the case of new editions or translations). Pointers are always directed from the ‘derivative’ item to its source (i.e. a translation points to the original; a second edition points back to the first edition).

Archive materials are encoded using nested <tei:bibl> elements that replicate the structure of the archival material held at the University of Warwick.

The website is built using eXist-DB, with a React-JS frontend.

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© University of Edinburgh 2020

Version 0.91

Date stamp 03/02/22